Fun psychological test: Test your lust index

Life/interesting 2 1 minute 20

People are not lewd, so what’s the point? how are you? I watched a cross talk show by Deyun Club before. Guo Degang joked: “All people in the world are lustful.” After saying that, Yu Qian asked: “Then how do you know whether a person is lustful or not?” Guo Degang said: “That’s not simple. You Put your hand under the other person’s nose, as long as he is still alive, he must be horny.” This remark caused a roar of laughter, and people praised Guo Degang’s humor. However, what everyone doesn’t know is that what Guo Degang said seems to be a joke, but in fact, every word of this “joke” has its own truth. The ancients said: “Food and sex are the same as sex.” Many people regard “lust” as a bad habit in people, and they also despise lustful people. In fact, “lust” is an innate nature of human beings. Heart of beauty in everyone. Both men and women like good-looking people. However, one thing that needs to be noted is that people can be lustful, but they must also try their best to avoid the disadvantages of “lustfulness”. There are also beneficial and harmful aspects of “lust”. The beneficial “lust” should be about appreciating beautiful things. It allows us to savor the beauty and enhance our aesthetic ability. The vulgar lust is mixed with a lot of filth. This kind of lust usually manifests itself in the desire for the love of men and women, and the extremely romantic treatment of men and women. This kind of “lust” must be stopped in time, and when you encounter such a lustful person, you must distinguish it in time and take the initiative to avoid it. Just like in psychology: “Vulgar and lustful people often have some obvious characteristics that neither men nor women can escape.” These characteristics are the best reference objects we have. When you find yourself surrounded by When dealing with these people, you must be vigilant and don’t take it for granted. So, want to know your lust index? You will know after taking the test.

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