search: 工作相关能力

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Test your crisis response skills

Mental/Health 1 1 minute
Crisis response ability means being able to effectively grasp work-related information when facing public crisis events, that is, capturing tendentious and potential public crisis issues, formulating feasible plans, scientifically handling and making decisions, so as to solve the problem in The budding state or the ability to minimize the losses caused by public crises to people's lives and proper...

Holland Career Aptitude Free Online Test | 60 Question Version

Workplace/career 16 3 minute 51
Holland Career Aptitude Free Online Test | 60 Question Version
The Holland Vocational Interest Assessment Scale can allow subjects to have a more scientific and comprehensive understanding of their own personal traits, thereby helping subjects combine personal traits with the future work world and discover and determine their own career interests and abilities. , so as to make better decisions about job hunting and career selection. This test is based on the...

Psychological test: professional test on the match between personal behavior style and corporate values

Workplace/career 4 3 minute 1
Matching personal and organizational values can effectively predict employees' positive attitudes and behaviors. In management practices such as talent recruitment, employee training, career management, organizational system design, and employee retention in corporate human resource management, the matching of personal and organizational values can be used to improve the effectiveness of corporate...

WVI Schuber Career Values Free Online Test

Workplace/career 40 4 minute 66
WVI Schuber Career Values Free Online Test
The WVI Career Values Test is a classic test compiled by American psychologist Schuber in 1970. It is designed to measure the importance an individual attaches to the intrinsic and extrinsic values and motivating factors of work. Methods for testing values and motivators. It divides professional values into three dimensions: intrinsic values, extrinsic values and extrinsic rewards. 1. Intrinsic v...

Psychological test: How well do you deal with difficulties?

Character/Personality 3 2 minute 3
The ability to handle difficulties refers to an individual's ability to cope with and overcome various challenges and adverse situations encountered in life. It includes skills and strategies in many areas, such as flexibility, resilience, emotional regulation, problem solving, decision-making, adaptability, and more. The ability to deal with difficulties is one of the important survival skills o...

Career Planning Test: Schein Career Anchor Questionnaire Free Online Test

Workplace/career 18 4 minute 12
Career Planning Test: Schein Career Anchor Questionnaire Free Online Test
The famous American career guidance expert, Professor Edgar H. Schein of MIT Sloan School of Business, led a dedicated team to conduct a 12-year career tracking study on 44 MBA graduates of Sloan School of Business, including Interviews, follow-up surveys, company surveys, talent assessments, questionnaires and other methods were used to finally analyze and summarize the career anchor (career posi...

Maladaptive Narcissism Scale MNS Online Test | Free

Character/Personality 5 1 minute 3
Maladaptive Narcissism Scale MNS Online Test | Free
Narcissism is a psychological illness and a personality disorder. What we call 'narcissism' in daily life has a different definition in psychology. Narcissism refers to an individual using the image of his own body as a sexual object. His sexual orientation is sexual, and he is himself, and he has a strong sexual desire for his own image. Usually the object of sexual desire is a mirror image, a ph...

Life Orientation Test LOT-R Free Online Test

Mental/Health 10 1 minute 13
Life Orientation Test LOT-R Free Online Test
In a world full of uncertainty, the attitudes of pessimists and optimists have a profound impact on their life trajectories. Pessimists might say they are always right because they always foresee the worst-case scenario, while optimists always move forward because they believe the future is full of possibilities. Both attitudes have their value, but an optimistic attitude often brings more motivat...

Holland Career Interest Free Online Test | 90 Question Version

Workplace/career 20 5 minute 53
Holland Career Interest Free Online Test | 90 Question Version
Holland's Self-Directed Search is an assessment tool compiled by John Holland, an American career guidance expert, based on his extensive career counseling experience and his career type theory. This assessment has high accuracy and is widely used in guiding study, job hunting and job transition. John Holland is a professor of psychology at Johns Hopkins University and a famous career guidance ex...

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